Master Class - Product Control for Trading Desk

About the Course

Master Class in Product Control enabling you to Launch and Excel your Investment Banking Product Control career

Launching your Product Control Career offers a comprehensive collection of 8 modules designed to help you start your Product Control career or launch it to the next level.
The course is delivered on-demand, and you have access to the training for 12 months.
Each course includes instructional videos, exercises, quizzes, and workbooks for further practice.

Meet Your Instructor

Peter is a Product Control specialist, CFO, Financial Controller, Author and Founder. Peter founded FINSED in 2015 to deliver better education to Product Controllers globally. Since then, Peter has trained more than 2,000 finance professionals in Banks and trading firms across Asia, Europe and the Americas. Peter is an authority on Product Control and maintains regular dialogue with the industry, having lectured with FINSIA and chaired Australia’s Product Control Valuations Forum. He is also the author of the best-selling and only book on Product Control, Effective Product Control, Controlling for Trading Desks (Wiley, 2017).

Peter Nash


Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course !!!

    2. 1.01 What you can expect from this training course

    3. 1.02 An overview of a bank's structure and the role of the trading desks

    4. 1.03 A day in in the life of a Product Controller

    5. 1.04 Daily P&L - What does the daily P&L measure and how can the report be presented?

    6. 1.05 Daily P&L - A summary of the inputs required to prepare your daily P&L report

    7. 1.06 Daily P&L - A detailed review of the inputs required to produce your daily P&L report

    8. 1.07 Balance Sheet Reconciliations - A summary of its purpose and importance

    9. 1.08 Closing summary

    10. 1.09 Quiz

    1. 2.01 Why do we need some accounting skills?

    2. 2.02 Which accounting rules do we use?

    3. 2.03 Financial Instruments - definitions

    4. 2.04 Recognition & De-recognition - When do you start & stop accounting for a financial instrument?

    5. 2.05 De-recognition - Repo accounting

    6. 2.06 De-recognition - Financial liabilities

    7. 2.07 Quiz

    8. 2.08 Introduction to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

    9. 2.09 IFRS 9 - The Business Model Test, what type of business model are you running?

    10. 2.10 IFRS 9 - Business Model Example

    11. 2.11 IFRS 9 SPPI test - Is this a basic lending agreement?

    12. 2.12 IFRS 9 SPPI Test - Examples of features that breach the test

    13. 2.13 Quiz

    14. 2.14 IFRS 9 - Amortized cost Introduction

    15. 2.15 IFRS 9 Amortized cost - How to amortize a premium into the P&L

    16. 2.16 IFRS 9 Amortized cost - How to amortize a discount into the P&L

    17. 2.17 IFRS 9 Amortized cost - Example

    18. 2.18 IFRS 9 Amortized cost - Exercise

    19. 2.19 Quiz

    20. 2.20 IFRS 9 - Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI)

    21. 2.21 IFRS 9 - Fair Value through the Income Statement (including fair value option)

    22. 2.22 IFRS 9 Fair Value Option - example

    23. 2.23 IFRS 9 - Comparing the P&L and Balance Sheet for Amortized costs, FVOCI & FVTPL

    24. 2.24 Quiz

    25. 2.25 IFRS 9 - Expected Credit Loss (ECL), what is it and when do you record an ECL?

    26. 2.26 IFRS 9 - Which ECL stage is appropriate and how does this impact your ECL calculation?

    27. 2.27 IFRS 9 - Quantifying your ECL

    28. 2.28 IFRS 9 - ECL Calculation example

    29. 2.29 Quiz

    30. 2.30 IFRS 9 - How to classify and measure Financial Liabitlies?

    31. 2.31 IFRS 9 - Fair Valued Financial Liabilities and Own Credit

    32. 2.32 Quiz

    33. 2.33 How to use T-accounts

    34. 2.34 Account for a futures contract - What is it and how do we account for it?

    35. 2.35 Accounting for a futures contract - Understanding futures statements

    36. 2.36 Accounting for a futures contract - Initial Margin accounting

    37. 2.37 Accounting for a Futures Contract - Variation Margin accounting

    38. 2.38 Accounting for a Futures Contract - Gross P&L (closing out positions)

    39. 2.39 Accounting for a Futures Contract - Exercise

    40. 2.40 Accounting for a Bond - What is it and how do we account for it?

    41. 2.41 Accounting for a Bond - Which features do you need to account for?

    42. 2.42 Accounting for a Bond - Accounting example

    43. 2.43 Accounting for a Bond - Accounting exercise

    44. 2.44 Accounting for an Interest rate swap - What is it and how do we account for it?

    45. 2.45 Accounting for an Interest rate swap - which features do you need to account for?

    46. 2.46 Accounting for an Interest rate swap - Accounting example

    47. 2.47 Accounting for an Interest rate swap - Accounting exercise

    48. 2.48 Accounting exercise workbook

    1. Recording of meeting

    1. 3.01 Fair Value - Introduction

    2. 3.02 Fair Value - When do we refer to IFRS 13 and how is FAIR VALUE defined?

    3. 3.03 Fair Value - Do we use bid, mid or offer prices?

    4. 3.04 Fair Value - Valuation techniques

    5. 3.05 Fair Value Measurement - Orderly transactions

    6. 3.06 Fair Value - Market participants

    7. 3.07 Fair Value - Measurement date

    8. 3.08 Fair Value - Blockage factors

    9. 3.09 Fair Value - Which unit of account can you use?

    10. 3.10 Fair Value - Principal or most advantageous market?

    11. 3.11 Fair Value - Exercise

    12. 3.12 Fair Value Hierarchy - Introduction

    13. 3.13 Fair Value Hierarchy - Level 1, 2 or 3?

    14. 3.14 Fair Value Hierarchy - Decision tree

    15. 3.15 Fair Value Hierarchy - Exercise

    16. 3.16 Fair Value & FVH - Quiz

    17. 3.17 Fair value and FVH - Exercise workbook

    1. 4.01 Discounting and Market Risk - Course outline

    2. 4.02 Discounting - Introduction

    3. 4.03 Discounting - Exercises

    4. 4.04 Discounting - What yield do we choose for discounting?

    5. 4.05 Discounting - Risk free rates and Credit spreads

    6. 4.06 Discounting - Bonds and discounting

    7. 4.07 Discounting - Bonds discounting exercise

    8. 4.08 Discounting - Derivatives discounting and collateral

    9. 4.08a Derivative Discounting Exercise

    10. 4.08b Discounting Derivatives in Practice

    11. 4.09 Discounting - Derivatives discounting and yield curves

    12. 4.10 Discounting - Quiz

    13. 4.11 Market Risk - Introduction

    14. 4.12 Market Risk - Single or multiple points of exposure

    15. 4.13 Market Risk - Exposed to all or only some of the notional

    16. 4.14 Market Risk - Different market risks for each financial instrument

    17. 4.15 Market Risk - Interest rate risk on swaps and bonds

    18. 4.16 Market Risk - Taylor series formula

    19. 4.17 Market Risk - Taylor series formula for Tesla option

    20. 4.18 Market Risk - Taylor series for a stock vs option

    21. 4.19 Market Risk - Expressions of marekt risk exposures

    22. 4.20 Market Risk - Interest rate delta

    23. 4.21 Market Risk - FX Delta

    24. 4.22 Market Risk - Commodity Delta

    25. 4.23 Market Risk - Vega

    26. 4.24 Exercise Workbook - Discounting & Market Risk

    27. 4.25 Market Risk Quiz

    28. Group Coaching Call #2

    1. 5.0 Valuations - Course overview

    2. 5.01 End of day revaluation rates

    3. 5.02 Independent end of day rates - are they really observable?

    4. 5.03 Bid Offer - Why do we need to adjust for it?

    5. 5.04 Bid Offer - What determines the size of the spread?

    6. 5.05 Bid Offer - How to calculate the adjustment

    7. 5.06 Bid Offer - Which positions can we combine to make the adjustment?

    8. 5.07 Bid Offer - FX exposures and bid offer

    9. 5.08 Bid Offer - Calculating the adjustment for FX exposure

    10. 5.09 Bid Offer - Calculating the adjustment for Interest rate exposures

    11. 5.10 Bid Offer - Exercise

    12. 5.11 Bid Offer Quiz

    13. 5.12 IPV - Introduction

    14. 5.13 IPV - The 4 step process to calculate and report IPV

    15. 5.14 IPV - Price discovery

    16. 5.15 IPV - Calculating IPV for a bond

    17. 5.16 IPV - Mismarking and P&L smoothing

    18. 5.17 IPV - Exercise

    19. 5.18 CVA & FVA - Introduction

    20. 5.19 ISDA Master Agreements

    21. 5.20 ISDA Master Netting Agreements & Financial Reporting

    22. 5.21 Credit Support Annex - CSA

    23. 5.22 Global Financial Crisis and the emergence of CVA and FVA

    24. 5.33 CVA - Introduction

    25. 5.34 Calculating CVA

    26. 5.35 FVA - Introduction

    27. 5.36 FVA - Funding spread

    28. 5.37 FVA - Funding Benefit Adjustment (FBA) or Funding Cost Adjustment (FCA)?

    29. 5.38 FVA - calculating the adjustment

    30. 5.39 FVA - Exercise

    31. 5.41 CVA and FVA quiz

    32. 5.42 Valuation adjustment workbook

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 231 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content